
Aligners are a simple and convenient system that allows patients to straighten their teeth without need for braces. Dr Em Grant has undertaken advanced training in this area of dentistry.

The best way to describe this system: ‘a series of thin, clear guards (aligners) that strategically don’t fit’. After a period of time (usually 2weeks) the teeth begin to move and the aligner will fit perfectly. It’s then on to the next aligner and the process continues.

With digital scanning technology and 3D modelling Dr Em can predict and plan the movement of each tooth before the process begins. This allows for the patient and Dr Em to see the planned final result before the aligners are ordered and made.

fig1. With careful planning, the straightening of the lower front teeth can be achieved very easily.

fig2. Here the change is subtle. The shift in the angulation of the front two teeth makes all of the difference.